Sunday, October 5, 2008

Making Tamales

I've been so busy getting the Shoppe ready that I haven't made Tamales in about three weeks. Today I had to. I'm trying a new recipe. Country Tamales and eggs. You guessed it, I'm stuffing the Tamale with country pork sausage and cheese. Steam those baby's then let 'em cool. Grill the Tamale and top it a fried egg (any style) and some country gravy. It will delight all you biscuit and gravy fans.
But here's what happened this morning. As I pulled out the corn husks, I had a physical reaction. Connectedness, visceral, whatever you want to call it, it was the place I love to be. Cooking, making Tamales. I know I'm going to be running a big business but that doesn't stop my passion when I pick up a husk, create some taste bud popping goodness to stuff it with and then enjoy. This is what life is.

1 comment:

Marion said...

Todd you are making me very hungry!!